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14 January 2008

Back to School

Monday I go back to school. I have been a little excited about going back; but I'm sure once classes start my attitude will change. I'm taking Russian, accounting I, psychology, personal finance, and world politics. I am sad that I can't take bowling again, that was the world's best class!


Unknown said...

I tried to get some school stuff done today but it SNOWED and everythig is closed. How annoying!

Good Luck on your classes though!

Dave from Boston said...

Have fun going back to School, and Good Luck! My advice to you is to sit close to the front and make lots of comments.

Oh, and periodically talk to yourself so that your classmates think you’re crazy. Maybe you can even bring a pencil and then ferociously erase things such that the pencil snaps in a flagrant display of wildness.

With gentle thoughts of loving kindness,

Davey Flapdoodle

ellen said...

When are you moving to Boston?!? Come on!! It's time for a big adventure!

Dave from Boston said...

Amen to that! Winds of wind Jeff, winds of wind.

~~Whirly Leaf