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21 December 2009

Reagan Library

Sorry for such a long hiatus from blogging. Here is some more pictures from my trip to California this summer. This post is dedicated to the Reagan Presidential Library. It was such a cool place. We ran out of time there so we had to hurry through the last part of the museum -which happened to be the most interesting part covering Reagan's presidency.
A section of the Berlin wall
Some of Reagan's belt buckles

The Oval Office

President Reagan's limo

His nickname was the Gipper

This is made entirely of jelly beans (Reagan's favorite food)

Marine One
My commie friend

Air Force One (I had a professor who actually flew this plane)

The tour guide apparently didn't understand our question about this plane. We asked why it was there -maybe some special significance? She told us it was a fighter jet- one that shoots guns and stuff. I just had to laugh to myself -apparently she thought we were little kids.

The blue indicates where Reagan won. Talk about a landslide victory!

Campaign picture

Another section of the Berlin wall (outside near the replica of the White House rose garden)

This statute is at the front door. It is from the Cowboy Hall of Fame

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A fighter jet? Are you sure? It looks like a helicopter to me!