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16 December 2008

iPhone do uPhone?

I got a new phone! An iPhone! Don't worry I still have the same number. I was finally able to get rid of that other phone you see here. The iPhone is really more of a small computer than a phone but it does a fantastic job at that also. You can check e-mail, surf the web, watch video clips, text, take a picture, find where you are and where you are going with google maps, set a date with the calendar, write a note, check the weather, make a calculation, listen to music, check the time, check the stocks, buy music or do a number of other things with the applications that you can download directly to the phone. It blows my other phone away!


Dave from Boston said...

I Palm Centro, and it is awesome! You should have gotten one of those, but I like your phone too.

~~ Centro-maniac

Dave from Boston said...

Merry Christmas!

~~ Chops