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14 August 2008

Tag...I Guess I'm It

10 Years Ago...

I was in eighth grade at Cimarron middle school getting ready for high school at Edmond Memorial. I hated school and wanted to be done with it. I don't really remember anything else that was going on back then.

5 Years Ago...

I was graduating from High school! I was so happy to never have to see those people again. I enrolled in college at The University of Central Oklahoma (UCO) in the fall. I made strait B's but since one class was through Rose State I didn't qualify to be on the Dean's honor roll. I was also getting ready to serve a mission. I didn't know where I was going to serve yet but I was attending missionary prep classes at the Institute.

5 Months Ago...

It was March and I was about in the middle of spring semester at UCO. I was doing well in all of my classes. I was also trying hard to get the attendance up for Institute classes so we could qualify for a new Institute/Church building for the University Ward.

5 Things on my to do list tomorrow...

1. Finish re-staining a door for my Dad's office.
2. Mow the yard
3. Watch some TV
4. Check my e-mail
5. Check to see if anyone has looked at my blog and/or commented

5 Things people don't know about me...

1. I can't stand not knowing what is going on in current events
2. I am an agent for the CIA
3. I once had cat scratch fever
4. I have touched a Lion
5. A woman once thought that I was Jesus

5 Bad habits...

1. I am a huge procrastinator
2. I am addicted to the Internet and TV
3. I hate to answer the phone unless I know who is calling...even then I still won't answer
4. I go to bed really late
5. I sometimes don't blog for a really long time

5 Places I have lived...

  1. Edmond, Oklahoma
  2. Provo, Utah
  3. Pleven, Bulgaria
  4. Varna, Bulgaria
  5. Plovdiv, Bulgaria

5 People I tag...

Anyone that wants to do this. I don't know of anyone to send this to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! You did it!

i check you r blog daily so I am glad when I see an update.

I think TV addiction runs in the family. I beleive it comes from Dad's side.

Your things people don't know about me are hysterical. I never knew that Cat Sctrach Fever was real until you got Nelson would say, Ha Ha!