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24 January 2008

Never Fail Pick Up Lines

To all the guys out there that may read this blog this is going to be the most informative post for you. Just look at these studs in the picture. Your probably thinking that you could never be as cool as them. Well you better think again because this is where you will find some of the worlds best pick up lines and advice! I'm pretty sure that America's best and brightest scientists and intellectuals have been working hard on these pick up lines and advice for maximum effectivness. Okay here they are in no particular order:
  1. If you really want to impress a girl buy a ferrari.
  2. There is nothing girls hate more than guys who take a five minute cell phone call when flirting.
  3. Always be sure to drink in moderation. A good flirt never gets too drunk.
  4. Is your dad a terrorist? Cause you're the Bomb!
  5. Don't be stubborn. Girls hate a guy that always wants to be right. But if you nod your head and agree with her, she'll agree to give you her number.
  6. If you're at a bar, you can pick up extra points by ordering drinks with your platinum credit card.
  7. Buy a puppy. Girls cannot resist a guy with a dog.
  8. Are your parents retarted, 'cause you sure are special.
  9. I lost my number, can I have yours?
  10. If you speak a foreign language, for the love of God, use it!
  11. Flirting is just like acting. It's okay to play different characters sometimes.
  12. Make sure you remember her name the first time she tells you. If you forget, don't try to guess it because if you get it wrong, its over.
  13. Can I get your photo so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas!
  14. There is only one sure way to fail at flirting: be too chicken to try in the first place.

Great aren't they?


Unknown said...

You are 10 (what gal can resist the accent of a you ng Bulgarian?)

Dave is 12 (sometime's I wonder if he even remembers my name!)

Dave from Boston said...

I thought I could also be an 11, but I really want to be a 1. Here's one that I left on Jenn's...

This mostly works in Utah: "Hey, can I get a "Y" hug?


"Ok, hold your arms up in the air like a Y, and..."

Then promptly kiss the unsuspecting maiden (or chap) on the cheek (let's not get too crazy), and then exclaim, "Why hug?!?"
