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29 August 2008

McCain - Palin... What?!

I have to say John McCain just sealed it for me. I am a republican and I am voting for Barack Obama. McCain has lost his argument against Obama that he is too inexperienced. McCain's choice of Sarah Palin for a Vice Presidential candidate was extremely poor. She has NO experience whatsoever. She was mayor of a small Alaska town for two terms and has been Governor of Alaska, a state of less than a million people, for only 20 months. Oh you might want to include that she was part of the PTA and a mother, but no matter how you look at it she is not qualified for the second highest office in America. Obviously this was a bold move to attract all of those upset Hillary Clinton supporters. Any true republican can see that this ticket is very weak and does not reflect the party at all. We have a presidential candidate who is a democrat in republican clothing and a woman who has just gotten into politics. I hope you will join me in voting for Barack Obama!
This is a pretty good article from "6 things the Palin pick says about McCain."


Unknown said...

Both canidates suck but I HATE Obama!

I thought McCain was insane by this choice but the more I learn about her the more I like her.

Maybe you should give her a second look.

Obama's entire "Change you can Beleive" in comes from Mass Gov. Deval Patrick. Trust me, you don't want that kind of sucks!

Jeffrey D. Hale said...

I think you should really give Obama a second look. McCain subscribes to a lot of Bush's policies. I think Obama's choice for VP makes sense. Biden can step in and be president at a moments notice. He has tons of foreign policy experience which is highly needed this election. The status of the US has been severely damaged in the world. We need someone in the executive branch that has the ability to repair strained relations with the world. This is going to be extremely important seeing that Russia is reviving cold war era policies. Also North Korea is now halting its progress towards its shut down of uranium enrichment program. With all that said there is still the problem in the middle east. Barack is in favor of getting us out of Iraq safely. Biden can help Obama with all of these situations.
As for McCain's choice of a former beauty queen...I just don't think that she has enough experience to stand up to McCain when it comes down to important decisions. She was mayor of a small town for two terms and then Governor of one of the smallest states for only 20 months. I know they have said she has stood up to "big oil" and is dedicated to cleaning up government but really how much has she done? I say give her a few more years and then she will be ready for more responsibility. John McCain's choice puts too much responsibility on himself. He is basically the only one with any experience out of the two.
Please just don't vote for the republican ticket just because you are a republican. The republican party has really let me down over the past few years. It is okay to vote for a democrat. they are not evil. Why do you hate Obama so much? If you listen to what he has to say it makes sense.

Unknown said...

I just don't think I could ever vote for Obama. I stand by my morals and values to closely and that guy makes me sick. The democrat party reminds me of the great and spacious building.

Don't get me wrong, I don't care for McCain either. The way I see it this race is all about voting for the lesser of two evils.

The funny thing is that if History is any guide then OK will vote republican, MA will vote democrat, and neither of our votes will make a difference! Ha!