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29 February 2008

Personal Finance

I'm currently enrolled in personal finance at UCO. I took this class because everyone can always use this kind of knowledge throughout their lives even though I think I do pretty well without this class. I never expected that I would be the only one in my class that is not borderline mentally retarded!
Last class period our teacher was telling us about a company that makes out loans to people with no collateral needed. She was emphasizing that the APR was ridiculously high (95.95%). After talking about this for a few minutes she asked if we had any questions. That's when Biff* raised his hand and asked what APR stood for. I couldn't believe it! We had just taken a test that covered that! And we talk about that almost every class period! That's when another moron decided to ask a question. She was perplexed as to what collateral was. This was the same girl that thought corn was the cause of the recent spike in gas prices.
Apparently I'm a college student in a fifth grade class.


Jeffrey D. Hale said...

Jennifer, warning taken.

Unknown said...


I am surrounded by idiots in my class too! lol!

Does your class have that awsome Smoke/perfume/smoke/laundry smell? I walk into class and I just want to puke. There is one guy that sits next to me that smells like he is a smoking bed wetter. Haven't these people heard that smoking kills and shower's are a good thing??

Unknown said...

I just read this again to Dave and we are still laughing...there is a lot to be said for people with commen sense!

Unknown said...

Are you on right now?

I will try to think of something to blog about!